

英漢字典: go in for

1. go indoors for因…進入室內

    Having already left the house,she went in for her umbrella. 她已離開了家,但見開始下雨又回到屋裡取傘。

2. try to pass or win想通過或贏得

    I'd like to go in for a more advanced examination if I can. 如果有可能的話,我還想通過更高層次的考試。

3. take strong interest in愛好

    I thought he only went in for music and tennis. 我以為他只愛好音樂和網球。

    Lots of men go in for fishing. 很多人對釣魚感興趣。

    Many newspapers go in for sensational happenings. 許多報紙對轟動社會的事件很感興趣。

    Peter goes in for collecting antique weapons. 彼得喜歡收集古兵器。

4. aim towards(a profession);be engaged in選擇…為職業;從事

    He may end up by going in for politics;he's always liked arguing. 他最終可能從政,因為他一直喜歡辯論。

    When she left college,she went in for nursing. 大學畢業後,她從事護士工作。

    Following his example,both his sons went in for medical work. 他的兩個兒子跟他一樣,從事醫務工作。

5. participate in;enter as a candidate參加;加入

    Did you go in for the civil service examination yesterday?你參加昨天的公務員考試了嗎?

    She has gone in for the beauty competition. 她參加了選美比賽。

6. give support to;express approval of支持;贊同

    An overwhelming majority of the committee members went in for the currency reform. 絕大多數委員贊成實行幣制改革。

    They all went in for the dockers of that country in their strike. 他們都支持那個國家的碼頭工人罷工。

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